
‘The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr Emerson’s observation, beautifully explains how learning and new experiences change us forever. When we encounter new ideas or perspectives, our thinking grows and adapts.

Just like a rubber band that doesn’t snap back to its old shape after being stretched, our minds can’t go back to their old ways of thinking. This change helps us see the world in new ways, boosting our creativity, understanding, and problem-solving skills. Once we’ve been exposed to something new, it becomes part of us, making us more open-minded and capable.

I have always loved learning new things and “outside of the square” is part of my DNA!

My wire sculpture began when I wanted to do some sculpted topiary and needed frames.  My research introduced me to things you could do with wire, other than what I was actually looking for! 

I’ll be 70 next year so am trying to “rein myself in” a bit, and concentrate on my wire sculpting if at all possible.  Wire is probably the least flexible and elastic medium one could choose so it’s a challenge for sure!

I do love “hunting and gathering” and how we can use what is free in our environment to not only preserve but also create.  


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